Why Marketing is as Important as Design

Your medical practice website shows visitors what they need to know and compels them to contact you for more information. But without a marketing strategy in place, your site might as well be invisible. Here are a few things you should know about the importance of Internet marketing for your medical practice.

Search Marketing

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a necessary practice that uses strategic keyword placement to help Google find your site. When a patient enters a search phrase, your site is valued as relevant if your content meets Google’s criteria. Similarly, a Pay Per Click, or PPC, campaign helps to elevate you to the top of a Google search. It is cost-effective because you pay only when a person clicks the link to your site.

Officite specializes in SEO and PPC campaigns that improve your organic search rankings and boost visibility among people seeking your specific services. We use keyword-rich content based on thorough analysis to ensure that your practice’s site is highly competitive. Our ongoing marketing process allows us to adjust strategies as search engines tweak their own algorithms.


Patients should recognize your practice, and that’s why thorough brand marketing is so important. Your practice becomes more relevant to patients who have seen your brochures, logos, referral cards and online banners, and to those who associate these images with what you have to offer.

The Officite team designs attractive branding elements made to be consistent with your practice’s website, helping to reinforce how you present yourself to potential and existing patients.

Competing Online

Your competitors are aggressively marketing themselves, and your practice shouldn’t be left behind. A high-quality, functional website – while highly recommended – is no longer enough. Keeping in front of Web crawlers takes constant effort. At Officite, we’re fierce competitors on your behalf. We take a holistic approach: We’ll customize a pre-designed website for you, market it through SEO, PPC campaigns and social networks, and give you the tools necessary to consistently update it.

Find out more about how Officite can help you boost your online presence through effective Web design and marketing. We specialize in projects ranging from dental to pediatric website design, development and marketing. We know how to make a website that is useful, and we can get it in front of the people who need to see it.