8 Ways To Enrich Your Podiatry Marketing Strategy

A podiatrist and a patient having his foot examined

Have you stopped to think about how your business is doing and if your podiatry marketing strategies are working? The wonder of marketing is you can change tactics to adapt to changing business environments. In this article, we will look at several ways to enrich your podiatry marketing strategies and get the results — and new patients — that you’re looking for.

Digital Marketing For Your Podiatry Practice

Foot Care 101 on Social Media

Many patients are missing out on the benefits of podiatry services. Some may even be unaware that there are doctors who specialize in foot issues. The quickest way to get the word out and connect with potential patients is to create a presence on the social media platforms where those patients hang out every day. Start by setting up your pages, then start thinking about the engaging content you will put out to attract more followers. Podiatry marketing can make a significant difference by targeting the right audience. Keep it informative and engaging. When you post the kind of content that people are looking for, then more people will look for it. (And more will find it.)

Incentivize Online Reviews

Some patients can be shy when it comes to leaving reviews on your page. But missing out on those reviews can be a lost opportunity to help grow your practice, especially when a good patient only has good things to say. One way to encourage people to leave online reviews is to incentivize them. For example, offer discounts or other premiums to new patients who leave reviews. Offer loyal patients free foot care products or something else related to your practice when they write their first reviews. Podiatry marketing can significantly benefit from a strong online presence bolstered by positive patient reviews.

Communicate on Social Media & Other Messaging Apps

View of social media plan working at podiatry clinic

Phone numbers are well and fine, but some prefer conversing on social messaging apps. To keep up with the times, open your messages to inquiries on social media platforms where you have a presence. You can even use this as part of your podiatry marketing strategies to be proactive and message your clients about ongoing promotions or even to send them periodic reminders to keep up their podiatric health. Utilizing these platforms can enhance engagement, build stronger relationships, and ensure timely communication with your patients, ultimately improving their overall satisfaction and loyalty.

Cultivate an Iconic Aesthetic

Admit it: some medical clinics can appear stale and boring with their all-white walls. Instead of being classy and minimalist, they wind up looking like the million other clinics following the same aesthetic. The same can be said for social media pages. To distinguish yourself from the rest of the pack, try to add some personality to your social media pages and web design. Maintain a distinctive, consistent color palette. Display your logo prominently. Something so that when patients see your pages, they will instantly know who they are looking at. It will help to establish your brand and separate you from the crowd. Consistency is key, ensuring that your brand identity shines through across all platforms. This not only helps in standing out but also fosters a stronger connection with your audience.

Veer Away From Boring Ads

Google ads already appear dull, but you can be creative and witty to make it NOT boring. Think of thumb-stopping ads that will not only cause people to talk but will drive them to check out who is the mastermind behind the ad – YOU.

Take a look at this witty job application done in the form of a Google ad. The person behind the ad ended up getting interviews because of his marketing strategy!

Witty Google ads

You can check out some of the wittiest pay-per-click ads ever done for inspiration.

Practice Cashless Transactions

If your podiatry practice accepts only cash, check, or card, but not other forms of payment like bank transfer or eWallets or bitcoin, you may be seen as not forward-thinking. Change that. Get set up to accept ALL forms of payment and attract patients who prefer to pay in nontraditional methods. Embracing diverse payment methods demonstrates adaptability and modernity, potentially attracting a broader clientele base. In the long run, it’s an investment in the future of your practice and will pay for itself many times over.

Segment Your Patient Base

While each patient is different, you may still be able to create categories that will provide you with a focus for your podiatry marketing strategies. For example, you can create marketing segments based upon condition or age group. Then you can offer service packages that are tailor-fitted to the needs of each of those groups.

SEO Gets You Found Online

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an essential element of digital marketing. It’s one of the surest ways to appear on local search results and drive traffic to your site. Make sure to work with experts who know how to optimize your website, so you will get found when local patients search on Google or other search engines for the services you offer. Take advantage of these strategies to direct more potential clients to discover your podiatry practice.

Get Help With Your Medical Marketing

A successful podiatry practice is a business. And that business does not just rely on the doctor’s skills but also on good marketing strategies. If you’re not confident in running a podiatry marketing campaign for your office, we suggest that you employ the help of a marketing agency to ensure that you are working towards a goal that promises a good return on investment.

More than just the tips shared above, marketing experts can help you orchestrate a plan using different techniques, including content marketing, email marketing, word of mouth, social media marketing, and online reputation management, amongst others. Should you wish, traditional forms of podiatry marketing may be explored as well. 

 Get in touch with our team and get started on your podiatry marketing today!