7 Blog Post Topics & Ideas for Healthcare Practices

1. Create “How To…” Guides:

Patients frequently turn to Google with “How to” queries, ranging from managing a sunburn to recognizing the signs of type 2 diabetes. By creating “How to” blog posts, you offer valuable, step-by-step guidance that not only aids your patients in understanding their health concerns but also positions your practice as a trustworthy and patient-centered authority. These articles are not just informative; they’re a powerful tool for building trust, showcasing your practice’s dedication to providing value without expecting anything in return. Furthermore, these posts are optimized to enhance your blog’s chances of being featured in Google’s coveted “snippet,” significantly boosting your site’s visibility.

For a compelling example of a “How to” blog post, check out this blog from SKIN Dermatology:

How to Use Topical Retinoids

2. Master Your ‘What Is’ Pillar Pages

At Officite, we understand the power of authoritative content in the digital healthcare landscape. A ‘What Is’ pillar page is designed to be the ultimate guide on specific healthcare topics. You can create your own pillar pages, with the following guidance.

The Foundation of a Pillar Page: A ‘What Is’ pillar page should be your most ambitious piece of content. It’s not just an article; it’s a comprehensive guide that addresses all facets of a topic. Whether you’re exploring complex medical conditions, innovative treatments, or foundational healthcare practices, your pillar page should leave no stone unturned.

Supporting with Cluster Content: Enhance the reach and depth of your pillar page through related blog posts, known as “cluster” content. These posts delve into subtopics and link back to the pillar page, creating a rich network of information that boosts SEO and positions your site as a knowledge hub. (This strategy mirrors the content ecosystem Officite implements to ensure healthcare practices dominate their domain in search engine rankings.)

Crafting In-Depth Content: Your pillar page should reflect the most in-depth exploration of a subject on your site. Incorporate keywords thoughtfully and source backlinks from reputable sites. This not only aids in search engine optimization (SEO) but also establishes your page as the go-to resource for both patients and professionals.

Balancing Length and Engagement: While the comprehensive nature of a pillar page often means it will be lengthier than typical posts (anywhere from  2,000 to 5,000 words), engagement is key. Take inspiration from Officite’s strategy by integrating interactive elements such as videos, infographics, or quizzes. These features not only break up text-heavy content but also enhance user engagement and learning.

For an example of a content “What Is” Pillar Page, check out this other example from SKIN Dermatology:

What is Eczema

3. Leverage News Commentary 

In today’s fast-paced world, staying abreast of current health news is crucial, not just for healthcare professionals, but for their patients too. You have a unique position to offer informed perspectives on health news that directly impact your patient base. Here’s how to use the news as a dynamic part of your healthcare marketing strategy and showcase your expertise:

Identify Relevant News Topics: Keep an eye on health news stories that have the potential to affect your patients. Whether it’s a local health alert, a new medical discovery, or changes in health policy, choosing topics that resonate with your patient base is key.

Share Your Expert Perspective: Use this opportunity to share your analysis and professional opinions. For instance, a pediatrician might provide expert commentary on a new vaccine or offer advice on seasonal health concerns affecting children in their community.

Write with Your Audience in Mind: Remember, while your insights are professional, your blog’s audience is primarily your patients. It’s important to convey your message in clear, understandable language. Avoid medical jargon that could alienate your readers. Aim for a balance between professional insight and accessibility.

Get Straight to the Point: With nearly 43% of readers skimming blog posts, it’s crucial to make your point clearly and early in the piece. Use headings, bullet points, and bold text to highlight key information, making it easier for readers to grasp the essential messages at a glance.

Engage and Educate: Use news commentary not just to inform, but also to engage. Ask questions, invite comments, and encourage readers to share their views. This not only boosts interaction but also helps in understanding your patients’ concerns better.

Check out this compelling example of new commentary style blog posts from Partners in Pediatrics:

Concerns Over the Rise in US Measles Cases

4. Make Those Lists

Lists captivate us all — they organize information in an engaging and digestible format. They are a smart and easy addition to your blog strategy. Here are some best practices for list-driven posts to capture and retain reader interest:

Choose Engaging Topics and Simple Titles: Focus on subjects that your patients are curious about.. Whether it’s “Top 10 Tips for Allergy Relief” or “5 Must-Know Facts About Flu Vaccinations,” ensure the topic is relevant and valuable to your audience. Always use a straightforward title.

Find Your Ideal Length: While lists can be as short as three points or exceed a hundred, aiming for a sweet spot of 5 to 20 items strikes a balance between comprehensive coverage and reader attention span.

Cater to Every Reader: List posts can effectively address various needs, from general awareness to specific advice. Think about what action you want the reader to take. For instance, “7 Signs You Should Consult a Dermatologist” can attract readers at the awareness stage, while “The 5 Criteria for Choosing Your Family Doctor” targets those ready to make a decision.

Check out this compelling example of list style blogs from Dr. Anna Chacon, MD:

3 Hacks Dermatologists Swear By to Firm and Hydrate Wrinkled & Dull Skin 

5.  Services, Procedures, or Treated Conditions Information Page (not a blog post)

Apart from a blog, ever healthcare provider website should contain a drop down menu option on their website navigation bar listing the services provided and/or medical conditions treated. Having webpages specific to the services your practice provides helps your website rank higher on search engines like Google and also educates patients.

Check out this example from Texas Colon & Pilonidal Clinic and their other services pages:

Texas Colon & Pilonidal Clinic | Colonoscopy

Attract New Patients On Google

Get 2 FREE Months of Custom Blog Content for Your Medical Website

6. Write Treatment or Procedure FAQs

One of the most direct ways to address your patients’ needs while optimizing your online presence is through FAQ blog posts. Many healthcare practices encounter a common set of questions from their patients. Transforming these inquiries into dedicated blog content is not only efficient but also highly effective. Here’s a simplified approach to leveraging FAQs in your blogging strategy:

Identify Common Questions: Start by compiling the most frequently asked questions by your patients. These can range from general healthcare inquiries to specific procedural or treatment concerns.

Create Comprehensive Posts: Use these questions as the foundation for your blog posts. For instance, a dermatologist might create a post titled “Everything You Need to Know About Pimple Popping” addressing common queries and concerns.

Direct and Attract Patients: These posts serve a dual purpose; they are a resource you can direct your existing patients to for information and a magnet for prospective patients searching for these topics online.

Check out this compelling example of a Procedure FAQs blog article from Berkshire Podiatry

FAQs About Bunions

7. Show Success Through Patient Testimonials

Patient testimonials and case studies offer a powerful way to connect with your audience on a personal level. These narratives not only highlight your practice’s expertise and compassionate care, but also provide hope and reassurance to individuals facing similar health challenges. Here’s how you can effectively incorporate these elements into your healthcare marketing strategy:

Highlight Real Success Stories: Focus on detailed accounts of how your practice has positively impacted a patient’s health. Whether it’s managing chronic conditions or achieving remarkable recovery milestones, these stories resonate deeply with prospective patients and earn trust.

Craft Engaging Case Studies: Delve into the specifics of a patient’s story, from initial consultation to the successful outcomes of their treatment. This approach not only illustrates your practice’s expertise but also showcases your commitment to personalized patient care.

Bridge the Connection: Sharing these testimonials on your blog or website can significantly humanize your healthcare practice, making it more relatable and trustworthy to your audience. Patients looking for solutions online will find these stories inspiring, motivating them to reach out and schedule an appointment.

Check out these compelling examples of client testimonials from Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine

Michigan Center for Regenerative Medicine | Patient Testimonials

These 7 ideas can serve as the foundation of your blogging strategy, giving you a framework to harness the potential of your knowledge and expertise. Establishing your online presence is worth the time and investment as our world becomes more and more digitally-based. 

Our expert team at Officite understands the importance of establishing a strong digital presence and is ready to lend a hand. From creating and hosting personalized websites to highlight your practice, to creating and publishing custom content for your blog, we have the tools to achieve success for you and the track record to prove it. Reach out for a free consultation.